Common Injuries After Rear-End Auto Accident

Unfortunately, vehicular accidents and injury are a common occurrence in today’s world. Last year, Florida reported over 352,000 automobile accidents resulting in more than 227,000 people injured. Many of these were rear-end accidents. Rear-end auto accident injuries can be painful and can turn into chronic problems if not treated effectively.

Common Injuries in Rear-end Auto Accident

Often in rear-end auto accidents, the driver and passengers that are hit are unprepared for the collision. Drivers and passengers do not see the accident coming, so they typically do not have the time to stabilize and prepare for impact, which can cause the injury to be more severe. Because of how rear-end accidents tend to happen, some injuries are more common than others. If you experience any of the symptoms listed, seek medical attention immediately for a professional opinion.


Whiplash is the most common of rear-end auto accident injuries, affecting about 20% of people involved. A whiplash injury involves damage to the spine, neck, and the surrounding muscles and tendons and is caused when the force of the accident causes sudden movement to the head and neck. Symptoms of whiplash include pain, stiffness, or swelling of the neck and back, and headaches, especially those that radiate from the back of the skull to the forehead.

Head or Brain Injury

A head or brain injury can occur in a rear-end auto accident depending on the speed and force involved. The driver and passenger may hit their head on the steering wheel, windows, or even the deployed airbag, resulting in a concussion, loss of consciousness, or lacerations and bruising. A head injury may result in dizziness, loss of balance, sensitivity to light or sound, or a general mental fog.

Musculoskeletal Injury

Often in a rear-end auto accident, arms, wrists, or hands can be broken or injured as they are often holding the steering wheel at the time of impact. The force of the impact can cause arms and hands to move and hit other parts of the car as well, for both the driver and passengers. Severe impact can result in broken bones. Symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries may include intense pain, inflammation, swelling, and tenderness or redness of the affected areas.

PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression

While physical injuries are sometimes more obvious, emotional responses to an auto accident require medical care as well. Many individuals involved in a rear-end auto accident suffer from PTSD, anxiety, or depression. Shortness of breath, accelerated heart rate, fear of losing control, or trembling and shaking can all be symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, or depression.

Get the Help You Deserve

If you have been injured in a rear-end auto accident, whether you have any of the above symptoms or not, it is imperative to see a qualified medical professional quickly. Sometimes injuries are not immediately apparent and pain begins to appear days or weeks later. Seeing a professional immediately can help ensure any medical concerns are dealt with before it can become a chronic problem.

At Florida Physical Medicine, our medical staff specializes in auto accident injuries and offers same day and next day appointments. Let us help you get back on the road to recovery as quickly as possible.

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